✦ Do you feel like money is limited?
✦ Do you feel like money is hard (hard to make, hard to keep, hard to save)?
✦ Are you paralyzed with fear at the thought of money 'running out', 'losing it all' or 'not having enough'? Or do you feel that you always have 'just enough' to get by?
✦ Are you doing all the manifestation work to call in the money to become an energetic match and magnet for it and wonder why it's not working for you?
✦ Do you feel overwhelmed by debt? And if you do, do you feel a lot of fear, guilt or shame around it?
✦ Do you find yourself wanting to disappear and bury your head in the sand when someone starts talking about money and do you find certain words triggering resulting in a visceral, sinking or dreadful feeling when you hear them?
✦ Do you feel like wanting money makes you a bad person? Or do you feel guilty for having the money you have?
✦ Do you constantly feel a sense of pressure and stress regarding your finances? Maybe you wonder when it will ever happen for you? When you can finally feel relaxed, calm and at peace with money no matter if you have money or debt or both?
✦ Do you feel like you obsess over money and are constantly looking at your numbers and wish you weren't?
✦ Do you feel like money is the reason you say no to things?
✦ Do you feel you have to give something up in order to make money (your time or energy)?
✦ Do you feel as though money is a reflection of your success, self-worth and value?
✦ Do 'unexpected expenses' come up just when you've finally make progress with your finances?
✦ Do you notice a pattern that when you receive money you spend it quickly creating a feast and famine cycle? Or maybe you've noticed some other pattern playing out?
✦ OR do you simply feel there is room for improvement in your relationship with money?
✦ Do you feel like money is hard (hard to make, hard to keep, hard to save)?
✦ Are you paralyzed with fear at the thought of money 'running out', 'losing it all' or 'not having enough'? Or do you feel that you always have 'just enough' to get by?
✦ Are you doing all the manifestation work to call in the money to become an energetic match and magnet for it and wonder why it's not working for you?
✦ Do you feel overwhelmed by debt? And if you do, do you feel a lot of fear, guilt or shame around it?
✦ Do you find yourself wanting to disappear and bury your head in the sand when someone starts talking about money and do you find certain words triggering resulting in a visceral, sinking or dreadful feeling when you hear them?
✦ Do you feel like wanting money makes you a bad person? Or do you feel guilty for having the money you have?
✦ Do you constantly feel a sense of pressure and stress regarding your finances? Maybe you wonder when it will ever happen for you? When you can finally feel relaxed, calm and at peace with money no matter if you have money or debt or both?
✦ Do you feel like you obsess over money and are constantly looking at your numbers and wish you weren't?
✦ Do you feel like money is the reason you say no to things?
✦ Do you feel you have to give something up in order to make money (your time or energy)?
✦ Do you feel as though money is a reflection of your success, self-worth and value?
✦ Do 'unexpected expenses' come up just when you've finally make progress with your finances?
✦ Do you notice a pattern that when you receive money you spend it quickly creating a feast and famine cycle? Or maybe you've noticed some other pattern playing out?
✦ OR do you simply feel there is room for improvement in your relationship with money?
AND if you have a BUSINESS, or a SIDE HUSTLE that you'd love to go all in on or maybe you'd like to START YOUR OWN BUSINESS ...
✦ Does talking about money make you feel uncomfortable and stressed making it hard for you to confidently set your prices, increase your prices and share them in a sales conversation with a potential client?
✦ Do you know that you are under pricing and undervaluing your services and feel you're not confident enough to increase them?
✦ Do you get interest from potential clients and self-sabotage by avoiding responding to them in a timely manner because you're afraid to say what it costs to work with you for fear you might be rejected?
✦ Are you unhappy working in your day job right now and would love to start a business or perhaps go all in on your business and catch yourself feeling like you need to stay because of the money and security?
✦ Are you stuck in a loop of obsessive thinking constantly worrying about money?
If this is you too, it's okay.
I've got you and YOU'RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE
I've got you and YOU'RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE
If you struggle with your FINANCES, imagine how it would feel if managing your money was easy, and you felt completely relaxed, confident and in control - trusting yourself even when dealing with debt or unforseen circumstances.
I wonder if you can imagine now that ...
If you struggle with your FINANCES, imagine how it would feel if managing your money was easy, and you felt completely relaxed, confident and in control - trusting yourself even when dealing with debt or unforseen circumstances.
I wonder if you can imagine now that ...
✦ You talk about money with ease and feel relaxed, calm and confident while doing so.
✦ You choose to buy what you want when you want. ✦ You travel where you want and when you want and regularly treat yourself to experiences that fill your cup knowing there is more where that came from. ✦ You work less and make more money. ✦ You wake up after a good night's sleep feeling well rested and excited because you trust yourself with money and believe it's always there to support you. |
✦ You enjoy money-related activities, like checking in on your bank accounts and doing your bookkeeping, and even throwing on some music while catching up on them.
✦ You feel so in control of your life and emotions around money that you've become a magnet for it. ✦ You're comfortable with debt because you now believe it is simply a choice to pay something off over time. ✦ You pay down your debt and have officially broken the pattern of financial instability for good. |
And you know exactly what you need to do each day to set yourself up for success with this because you finally understand how YOUR mind works when it comes to you and MONEY.
✦ No more worrying about money and feeling stress, anxiety and fear about your finances.
✦ No more avoiding talking about money and shutting down when it comes up in conversation. ✦ No more thinking that you're just not good with money. ✦ No more shaming yourself about your past financial mistakes or feeling guilty about your debt. |
✦ No more denying yourself the things you want because you're afraid you don't have enough and can't afford it.
✦ No more burying your head in the sand avoiding money-related activities that could get you in trouble. ✦ No more feeling down because you're measuring your self-worth by your financial success. ✦ No more fear of your money running out / losing it all. |
Isn't it time to FINALLY ...
Feel deserving and worthy of money and spend it on what you want, when you want and how you want, without fear or guilt. ⟡ Make your family and friends proud and know that you finally fvcking did it! ⟡ Hit that six figures or get that raise/promotion or quit that job. ⟡ Make peace and feel calm in your relationship with money. ⟡ Feel that you are in control of your life and finances. ⟡ AND it's most certainly time to begin living the life of your dreams, isn't it? |
Meet Tamara
Before we started working together her body was riddled with fear and anxiety from living pay cheque to pay cheque and she was feeling blocked creatively, emotionally and physically and unable to take real leaps in her business. Only a couple months into coaching she was so confident and clear in the direction of her business and her money blocks were completely removed that she ended up quitting her job and going all in on her business full time!
A beautiful experience. My body feels lighter! I am experiencing such a creative side and able to work with ease in areas I normally would feel anxiety.
Before most days my body felt riddled with anxiety. I felt blocked creatively, emotionally + physically. Fear of taking real leaps within my new business venture were present most days and most of all felt blocked with the energy of money. Now I am feeling such an openness, creativity inspired and new client opportunities seem to be flowing in more and more. I see where normally I would react I have this power to choose how I wish to respond or just be. It’s a pretty cool feeling. I really love that Paige held such a safe space for me to openly share. Thank you Paige. ~ Tamara H |
I remember distinctly when my struggle with money got amplified back in 2016 when I had quit my job as a Corporate Securities Paralegal to go all in on my business. No one tells you that when you start a business that you're likely going to have to look at your money and finances and wear all the hats at first. And I had no idea just how hard it was going to be. My emotions were all over the place and quite honestly my nervous system was shot with the newness of it all. I mean going from employed and someone telling you what to do all day to self-employed and feeling unclear and doubting your next steps having to motivate yourself through it in and of itself was a massive shift. There was no one there to tell me that what I was going to do would be successful nor hold me accountable to executing on it. To top all that off, the second anyone mentioned words like money, taxes, revenue, bookkeeping, IRS/CRA (for us Canadians), I'd get that visceral feeling pulsing all through my body. I felt frustrated, irritated, short in my communication, red in the face and anxious pretty much all the time. |
When I really sat down and focused solely on breaking through my money blocks and wrote out my own personal money story, uncovered my unique strategies, patterns and programming around money, I began recognizing that I had struggled with money my whole damn life.
I mean I always knew I had issues with money because I loathed talking about it or being asked about it. I'd quite happily bury my head in the sand about anything having to do with money until I couldn't. Even dividing up a bill at a restaurant caused me stress. It was an 'out of sight out of mind' or 'hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil' relationship vibe I had going on with money.
Seriously though ... this whole money thing started back when I was a little girl in the early 1980s. As I began uncovering my first story around money, I remember the fear and distress in the house when interest rates had sky-rocketed and my parents almost lost everything including our family farm in the recession.
From then on it was story after story after story of all of the trials and tribulations I had around money. From my teenage years when I took a huge loan out to help my family with the farm, to when I racked up my first credit card in my early 20s, a pattern I repeated over and over again.
I realize now after speaking with so many people and working with my clients on their mindset, money almost invariably comes up.
I mean I always knew I had issues with money because I loathed talking about it or being asked about it. I'd quite happily bury my head in the sand about anything having to do with money until I couldn't. Even dividing up a bill at a restaurant caused me stress. It was an 'out of sight out of mind' or 'hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil' relationship vibe I had going on with money.
Seriously though ... this whole money thing started back when I was a little girl in the early 1980s. As I began uncovering my first story around money, I remember the fear and distress in the house when interest rates had sky-rocketed and my parents almost lost everything including our family farm in the recession.
From then on it was story after story after story of all of the trials and tribulations I had around money. From my teenage years when I took a huge loan out to help my family with the farm, to when I racked up my first credit card in my early 20s, a pattern I repeated over and over again.
I realize now after speaking with so many people and working with my clients on their mindset, money almost invariably comes up.
Whether it's an objection to saying yes to working with me or how they feel about increasing their prices, knowing that they undervalue themselves, feeling like an imposter, often times overgiving to justify their pricing or their worth.
I've spoken to people whose partners are the bread winner and they feel guilty for spending money on themselves, and friends who are younger than me and retired still feeling scarcity when it comes to money for fear of losing it all. When you really think about it money is involved in so many of the decisions we make every single day that it's woven into the fabric of our being and has our self worth all wrapped up with it. From going to the store to buy groceries to investing in various courses, programs and coaches and everything beyond and in between. And I think we can probably agree that it's not the most fun nor the most comfortable topic to talk about. In fact, most people are much more likely to reveal the ins and outs of their sex lives before they'll share how much they make. |
Sex and money, two of the most taboo topics to get intimate and honest with ourselves about. AND ... well ... if you know anything about astrology and human design, I'm a Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Moon, Cancer Rising, Life Path 3, Generator with a 6/2 profile and little did I know that sex, money, death and transformation are kinda my specialties along with my natural, kind and caring role modelling leadership skills. All my magical zones of genius.
I mean, the mere fact that me of all people is writing about money is a miracle. Never in a million years did I ever think that this is what I would end up helping people with. I had thought about it before and even created this very program a year and a half ago and very quickly shelfed it because who the hell was I to help someone on a topic I'd struggled so deeply with.
And that's when I realized that because of that very fact that I am the perfect person.
I mean, the mere fact that me of all people is writing about money is a miracle. Never in a million years did I ever think that this is what I would end up helping people with. I had thought about it before and even created this very program a year and a half ago and very quickly shelfed it because who the hell was I to help someone on a topic I'd struggled so deeply with.
And that's when I realized that because of that very fact that I am the perfect person.
After years of exploring the highs and lows of money and the impact it's had on my own life and those I've worked with, if there's one thing I know extraordinarly well and that is how to feel good in life no matter the cirucmstances.
Even during a recession where fears around money, business, job security and inflation have been exacerbated and magnifed. Inside Money Mindset Makeover is my proven process where you too will break free from all of your money blocks AND be able to feel relaxed, calm and at ease even during an economic downturn.
Money is about energy and it's your energy in relationship to its energy. Together we're going to redesign your unconscious mind so that you can have a healthy relationship with it.
Even during a recession where fears around money, business, job security and inflation have been exacerbated and magnifed. Inside Money Mindset Makeover is my proven process where you too will break free from all of your money blocks AND be able to feel relaxed, calm and at ease even during an economic downturn.
Money is about energy and it's your energy in relationship to its energy. Together we're going to redesign your unconscious mind so that you can have a healthy relationship with it.
Money Mindset Makeover is for you
if you're serious about ...
if you're serious about ...
✦ Clearing your money blocks and redesigning your reltionship with money so you can talk about it with ease and feel relaxed, confident, calm and at peace with it
✦ Waving goodbye to feelings of worry, lack and scarcity and instead feeling happy and vibrating on a higher level knowing everything is always working out in your favour ✦ Having the tools and techniques to process challenging moments and deal with the bumps along the way without being derailed ✦ Feeling clear and calm and releasing the worry or stress about things beyond your control in the present moment ✦ Knowing that you're worth every penny that people pay you in exchange for your services ✦ Making sales calls and speaking with your clients about money is easy and effortless ✦ Being so confident and comfortable with your finances that you're enjoying money-related activities and able to throw on some music and have fun working on your bookeeping, creating a budget and sticking to it to begin saving for the future |
✦ Buying what you want, when you want
✦ Travelling where you want, when you want ✦ Regularly treating yourself to experiences that fill your cup knowing there is more where that came from ✦ Working less and making more money ✦ Waking up after a good night's sleep feeling well rested and excited because you trust yourself with money and believe it's always there to support you. ✦ Reigniting your creativity, feeling fierce and fearless to go for what you want and have the mindset to handle any challenges simply becoming unfvckwithable ✦ Paying down your debt and knowing you have broken the pattern of financial instability for good ✦ Being comfortable with debt because you now know it's simply a choice to pay something off over time ✦ Saying goodbye to all those racing negative thinking thoughts and hello to a quiet mind and peaceful night's sleep even if you wake up in the middle of the night ✦ Feeling so in control of your life and emotions around money that you've become a magnet for it |
MONEY MINDSET MAKEOVER is the most comprehensive and thorough
money mindset program where no stone will be left unturned when it
comes to you and money and your self worth.
money mindset program where no stone will be left unturned when it
comes to you and money and your self worth.
You see the missing piece in most of the money books and money programs out there is they uncover all these beliefs and all these emotions and stories around money by doing a bunch of digging and answering a whole pile of questions and then what? Everything is brought into the light and we do a bit of belief changing work and eventually we begin doing all this manifestation work to call in the money and become a magnet for it and we wonder why it's not working. It's not working because our money stories run deep and along with our money story and beliefs are A LOT of emotions about money and together are sabotaging the manifestation of what you desire to have. |
The key words being beliefs AND EMOTIONS. This is deep. These beliefs and emotions must be changed and released at the UNCONSCIOUS level of your mind for them to actually stick.
The reason is because our limiting beliefs and experiences of money and all the emotions wrapped up in them trump our desires to have money. Our mind is savvy and it's loyal and it wants to prove to us that the beliefs we hold about money and any other area of our life are true. That's how our mind works even when our beliefs are entirely NOT what we want.
Our experience and stories with money whether it was something we saw growing up or something we experienced personally either empowers us or holds power over us.
When we get to the point where we begin realizing that we probably have some money shit going on, that's the nudge. That's the whisper. AND that is the time to get working on it.
There is no time like NOW. I get that it takes a lot of courage to look our money situation in the eye. I have been there several times. It's uncomfortable and in my experience it's better to get going with it as soon as possible before allowing it to get any worse.
{Let that be the kindest kick in the pants to light a fire under your tush!}
The reason is because our limiting beliefs and experiences of money and all the emotions wrapped up in them trump our desires to have money. Our mind is savvy and it's loyal and it wants to prove to us that the beliefs we hold about money and any other area of our life are true. That's how our mind works even when our beliefs are entirely NOT what we want.
Our experience and stories with money whether it was something we saw growing up or something we experienced personally either empowers us or holds power over us.
When we get to the point where we begin realizing that we probably have some money shit going on, that's the nudge. That's the whisper. AND that is the time to get working on it.
There is no time like NOW. I get that it takes a lot of courage to look our money situation in the eye. I have been there several times. It's uncomfortable and in my experience it's better to get going with it as soon as possible before allowing it to get any worse.
{Let that be the kindest kick in the pants to light a fire under your tush!}
MONEY MINDSET MAKEOVER addresses all of this and we specialize in
working with the unconscious mind.
You will learn how to have your emotions under control feeling cool, calm and collected and your nervous system regulated even if you have debt or unforseen circumstances arise. Together we will redesign your unconscious mind and give you the tools and techniques so that no matter what life decides to throw your way, your mental and emotional foundation is rock solid and you have the tools and support to handle any situation immediately. AND lastly ... I've created a membership to coincide with this Money Mindset Makeover. This membership gives you access to the tools and techniques you'll be learning inside the program so you can have them at your fingertips to use. PLUS provide monthly challenges and books to develop your new way of being along with deepening your new beliefs, behaviours and neuropathways. |
A personalized experience in a group setting
A personalized experience in a group setting
This 60-day program is specially tailored just for you AND it's part of a group experience. Together we will take a journey through a proven process for lasting change. A transformation where positive change is permanent and the synergies and collaborative wisdom of being part of a group of like-minded individuals is the icing on the cake.
What You Will Receive
+ Group Coaching Calls (format outlined above)
8 x 90-min group calls over 60 days
(Tuesdays 2pm EST)
+ Money Mindset Breakthrough Session
(2-hour breakthrough intensive on Week Three)
+ Private FB Group
for accountability, support, community, connection & collaboration
+ Group Coaching Calls (format outlined above)
8 x 90-min group calls over 60 days
(Tuesdays 2pm EST)
+ Money Mindset Breakthrough Session
(2-hour breakthrough intensive on Week Three)
+ Private FB Group
for accountability, support, community, connection & collaboration
The Content
Week One - The Psychology of Your Mind + Uncover Your Personal Money Story
Week Two - Discover Your Personal Money Strategies, Patterns & Behaviours
Week Three - Fear & Scarcity Mindset + Adversity & Ordeals
Week Four - Money Mindset Breakthrough Session
Week Five - The Inventory + Money Clean-Up + Forgiveness Process
Week Six - Group Clean & Clear Alignment Session
Week Seven - Your Personal Code of Integrity + Life's Intentions
Week Eight - Goal Setting + Create Your Own Money Manifestation Mind Movie
The Bonuses
+ Unlock Your Abundance Hypnosis Meditation
+ 3 Months Free Access to the complete EXPAND Mind Mastery Library
to support you and keep you accountable moving forward and includes:
➤ ALL recordings of my NLP tools & techniques
➤ Hypnosis Meditations
➤ Masterclasses (pre-recorded)
➤ Monthly Challenges
➤ Book Club
➤ Monthly Group Coaching Call (the 1st Wednesday of the month)
➤ Monthly Accountability Co-Working Call (the 2nd Wednesday of the month)
The Pay In Full Bonus
+ 1-Hour Private Strategy Session with Paige - Get ready to unleash your full potential and
experience the power of a personalized coaching session with Paige. In this 60-minute one-on-one session,
we'll review your goals and determine your best plan of action.
The Investment
WE have tiered, class-equitable, pay-what-supports-you pricing. This model I discovered from Simone Grace Seol who was inspired by the Green Bottle Model from Worts + Cunning. When we saw it we knew that this was hands down the model for the Money Mindset Makeover program.
We believe that creating empowerment around money and self worth is the key to unlocking your personal, business and financial succes and we want to be intentional and create a conscious aligned method of payment without penalty in pricing or bonuses.
All that we ask is that you be mindful and truthful when opting in. This is a money program after all and money is energy. That means that money will treat you how you treat it. If you can truthfully afford a higher price and you opt for a lower price, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexiblity AND setting yourself up energetically with less than desirable karma.
If buying this coaching program means making short-term sacrifices, having to get creative, or asking others for financial support, but does not actually jeopardize your safety, we ask that you use those resources before using the sliding scale, which will limit opportunities for others especially when we implement a scholarship program.
You being honest about your financial situation helps us to grow a healthy community of honesty and integrity first and foremost to yourself and to others in the program. It also respects the work of Paige and her support team.
Please read the following criteria and determine which price is appropriate for you:
By choosing this price, you are “paying it forward” and contributing to a more equitable world by supporting course access for those with less. |
Ultimately, our goal with this tiered pricing model is to create a
scholarship program for those who are in need so please read the criteria and be mindful and truthful when opting in.
scholarship program for those who are in need so please read the criteria and be mindful and truthful when opting in.
How It Works & Frequently Asked Questions
Where do we meet?
Every week we meet live and in person on Zoom.
You MUST show up to the calls and there will NOT be recordings sent out for weeks 4 or 6 and I will only send out the recordings to weeks 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8 in case you miss them.
When is the next start date?
Tuesday, June 11th, 2024
When is the call time?
Tuesday - 2:00pm to 3:30pm EST
What happens once you sign up?
➤ You will receive an Welcome email with call dates and a Zoom link for the program
(or with your log-in to the program portal) and instant access to the Unlock Your Abundance Hypnosis Meditation
➤ That email will also include a Welcome Video from me that outlines everything in the email
➤ You get the link to join the Facebook group
What is your Refund and Cancellation Policy?
The Money Mindset Makeover program is non-refundable.
But Paige ...
While the Money Mindset Makeover program is an investment of time, I'd like you to consider this for a moment … How much of your precious time and energy do you spend upset, worrying, complaining, comparing, feeling discouraged, down on yourself, beating yourself up, not in control and not having the confidence to be who you want to be, do what you want to do and have what you want to have? Imagine ALL of that time, and energy you’ll get back by shifting your focus into a new place that's full of possibility. Imagine how being so dialled in on your mindset will positively impact not only your entire life ... it will impact your career (business) relationships and health. How much time will you save when you’re no longer feeling stuck, frustrated and exhausted having a mental battle within yourself? If you value your time and mastering your money mindset so you can feel relaxed, calm, at ease and at peace IS one of the most productive time saving things you can do. |
This is what is so amazing about Money Mindset Makeover. It's like a two in one program because money and self worth are so closely tied together that you're working on both at the same time. If you're ready to master your money mindset and get in control of your emotions once and for all and you're looking for a safe space to do it, then you can't afford not to. Investing in your career (business), life and happiness is powerful. When you invest in yourself, it tells your unconscious mind that you're worth it. That you're worthy of becoming the next best version of you and a 'relaxed, peaceful and calm you' is priceless. If you aren’t willing to believe that, then I'm not the coach for you. I want this for you as much as you do and that's why I've put together a tiered pricing structure to make this as affordable as possible. If you're still not sure how to make it happen, email me at [email protected]. |
This program is NOT for you if ...
✖ You’re not willing to get uncomfortable for three weeks. Yes, only three!
✖ You're not ready to look at your money story, strategies, patterns and behaviours. ✖ You're not committed to investing time, money, energy and effort into transforming your beliefs, thoughts, emotions and behaviours. ✖ You're not committed to transforming your money mindset in a way that you've never experienced before and for some is admittedly a little weird and out there. ✖ You're simply not ready to change your ways. |
Meet Rosemary
Before working together, Rosemary feared her finances and felt too inadequate and incapable to manage them. She also felt as though her finances were a sticking point for her to move forward in her relationship. After, she was shocked that her fear had disappeared and she felt in control of her life for the first time in her 58 years! Where she once felt she had consistently failed most of her life she was surprised that not only did she have the confidence to look at her finances and work on her budget but she was actually excited and looked forward to it. Not only that, she became so confident, comfortable and in her power with her finances that shortly after she ended up marrying the love of her life.
Before the program I was excited at hopefully changing my life but also nervous and a bit skeptical.
In my heart of hearts I honestly thought it wouldn't really truly work for me; that I would still be in the same rut. Afterwards I was so shocked that the fear had actually disappeared. I could now do what I had consistently failed at most of my life (due to fear). I was surprised, not only did I have the confidence but I was actually looking forward to take control of my life in a way I had only ever dreamed about. Paige has a gift; a calling. What she can do is miraculous. ~ Rosemary B |